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getting started mugYou can track student and class progress in the Reports section of the website. Reports that you can generate in ThinkCentral include:

  • A Class Performance report that shows how the class and each student in that class are performing against specific state standards or lesson objectives.
  • A Class Summary report that displays how the class and each student in that class are performing on selected tests.
  • A Student Performance report that shows how each student is performing against specific state standards or lesson objectives.
  • A Student Test Summary that lists selected tests assigned to a student and displays that student’s results for each test.
  • And more. Go to the 'Reports' section of the website to see a complete list of available reports.

For more detailed information on class and student management, click the ‘Reports’ icon located on the Home page. Then click the Help button in the upper right portion of the screen for information specific to that section of the website.



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