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School: Configuration Settings
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The School Configuration Settings screen lets you determine how your teachers register for the system and whether or not they can create their own student accounts.

  • Checking the "Allow teachers to self-register” box lets your teachers create and register their own accounts, for which they must obtain individual access codes. This is not recommended. The administrator should either create teacher accounts or designate someone to do so. After you set up teacher accounts, ThinkCentral will send each teacher his or her user name and password. 
    Note: Even if you allow teachers to self-register, you will still be required to approve their registrations before they can fully utilize ThinkCentral.
  • Checking the "Allow teachers to self-register " box lets your teachers create and register their own accounts. If you do not check this box, then the School or District Administrator will be required to create all of the teacher accounts for the school.
    Note: Even if you allow teachers to register their own accounts, you will still be required to approve those accounts before the teacher can access the system. Also, if your district administrator has turned this option off at the district level, you will not be able to allow teacher registration in your individual school.
  • To update your account with your new selections, click the Save button.
  • To exit the screen without saving any of your changes, click the Cancel button.

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