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Account: Update Information

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As a district administrator, you have the ability to update many aspects of your account information at any time. While the majority of these fields will never change, you may wish to change some fields—such as your password—on a regular basis.

There are several important steps you must follow when creating a new user account. Click on one of the steps listed below to learn more about that part of the account creation process.

1. Name
2. E-mail address
3. User name and Password
4. Save your changes

1. Name

  • Select your title from the Title drop-down list. (This field is optional.)
  • Type in your first name in the First Name entry field.
    Note: This is how your name will be displayed in the system.
  • Type in your middle initial in the Middle Initial entry field. (This field is optional.)
  • Type in your last name in the Last Name entry field.
    Note: This is how your name will be displayed in the system.

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2. E-mail address

  • Type in your e-mail address in the Email address entry field.



3. User name and Password

Your username set during your account creation and cannot be changed. However, you may change your password at any time. We recommend doing so every few months to help maximize your account security.

  • Type in your desired password in the Password entry field.
    Note: Your password must be between 5 – 32 alphanumeric characters.  For future reference, please make note of your password.
  • Retype your password for confirmation in the Retype password entry field.

If you forget your password, the system will challenge you to answer one or more security questions to prove your identity. You may set up to three security questions by using the following fields. Please remember that your answers in the future must match exactly what you type in these fields, so please choose answers that you can remember easily.

  • Pre-written questions can be selected from each of the Password hint dropdown menus.
  • Type in your answer for the password hint you selected in the Answer entry field for each Password hint.




4. Save your changes

  • Once you have made all of your desired changes, click the Save button to commit these changes to the system.
  • To exit the screen without saving any of your changes, click the Cancel button.

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